Congratulations to Edward, Reiss, and Tom

Congratulations to Edward, Reiss, and Tom

Congratulations to Edward, Reiss, and Tom

A big ‘well done’ today goes to S Lester’s own Edward Dennis, Reiss Newport, and Tom Burden who recently underwent and passed the NUCO Level 3 Emergency First Aid At Work training course. The course deals with all manner of potential workplace emergencies, from burns and cuts, or choking and bleeding, all the way to epilepsy, shock, resuscitation, and overall responsive situational assessment.

NUCO, from their headquarters in Cornwall, are the UK’s leading independent provider of first aid training. They’ve been holding courses of this nature for over 20 years, and have over 5,000 supported instructors all across the UK. Having worked to train staff from the likes of Amazon, Harrods, Marks and Spencer, and McDonald’s, we’re very pleased that some of our team have now had training with such an established provider.

I think the whole team will feel just a little safer now that we have some certified Emergency First Aid professionals in our midst!

NUCO Certification

Congratulations to Edward, Reiss, and Tom

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