Inside The Box with Tom Burden

Inside The Box with Tom Burden

Welcome to Inside the Box. Here at S. Lester Packing, we are proud of the team we have. Every month we will be introducing a new member of our team and will be getting to know a little more about them. Next up is our Internal Account Manager, Tom Burden.

Tom Burden S Lester Packing Account Manager
Tom, our Internal Account Manager.

As Internal Account Manager, Tom works with our clients on an on-going basis to ensure that orders are fulfilled on time. He also works proactively to find optimised packaging solutions in line with our client’s needs.

Tom, tell us what a typical day looks like for you at S. Lester’s.

Really varied. I work in sales so I’m constantly connecting with new people and liaising with current customers. I also help in the office, raising specifications and helping on the phones. Then, there are days when I can be helping on the factory floor operating various machines. So, without wanting to sound clichéd, no two days are ever the same.

How long have you worked in the packaging industry?

This is my 6th year at S. Lester’s where I started on the factory floor whilst completing my degree in Business Management. Then I had a placement year in the office where I improved my product knowledge and really delved into how the company operates and I’ve continued with this role.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

Those who don’t work in the industry won’t believe this, but it’s the diverse nature of the sector and the role. Before I started, a cardboard box was just that. Now I’m learning all the different aspects that go into making a box and I am constantly being educated, so I love that.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I’m a big Wolves fan and have had a season ticket for 20 years now so love going to watch them. Haven’t been able to go for a while with current circumstances. I also follow boxing and train in a local boxing gym which is due to open back up soon, so I’m really looking forward to getting back into that!

Look out for the next edition of Inside the Box. In the meantime, you can find out more about our team and our services at

You can also connect with Tom on LinkedIn at

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Inside The Box with Tom Burden

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