Have you heard any good pirate jokes? Well, neither have ayyyye.

Have you heard any good pirate jokes? Well, neither have ayyyye.

Ok, we admit jokes might not be our forte. But packaging design certainly is! Take a look at this corrugated pirate ship we designed for a local school who were preparing for their production. They were delighted with the final outcome, and we were happy to help. Now, we appreciate a pirate ship isn’t going to be much help to your business, but if you’re looking for bespoke corrugated packaging design, contact our team today!

Pirate Ship 2 Pirate Ship 1

Pirate Ship 4 Pirate Ship 3

Congratulations to Edward, Reiss, and Tom

Taking a Look at The S Lester Design Process Model

Inside the Box with David Bailey

99 Problems and The Box is One!

Have you heard any good pirate jokes? Well, neither have ayyyye.

Inside the Box with Ed Dennis

S Lester and the Barry Rowley Memorial Golf Day

The S Lester Packing Materials Ltd COVID-19 Update


S Lester donate 1,000 boxes to help distribute face shields

Pallet Boxes: Bulk Shipping Solution

Large Cardboard Boxes

Our Mission Statement

Inside The Box with Tom Burden

Download our brochure

If you’d like to learn more about S Lester Packing Materials please download our free information pack which will provide you with more information as to who we are, who we work with and how we can help your business.