Sustainable Packaging, Doing Our Part

Sustainable Packaging, Doing Our Part

The Task At Hand

Countless companies around the world have long utilised packaging materials that we all know to be harmful to the environment. With a growing landscape of mountainous landfills and islands of plastic sludge, it’s never been more vital that we all do our part to support and champion sustainability. With the threat of desperate environmental legislative actions that will inevitably affect our everyday lives, there is a mounting pressure on businesses to develop new, greener manufacturing and packaging methods.

The movement towards a completely sustainable supply chain is still for most companies a pipe dream and will require decades of dedication and tough cost making decisions.  A movement towards sustainable packaging solutions will be one of the main areas of focus with recyclable materials such as cardboard and corrugated packaging solutions being the first choice for many companies.

Doing Our Part

As a member of the Forest Stewardship Council, we are committed to ensuring that sustainable practices run through every element of our supply chain. From the procurement of 100% recyclable and biodegradable materials to reduced wastage within the manufacturing process and reduction of the carbon footprint of our transportations.

Single-material packaging solutions mean that the deconstruction and recycling of our packaging solution don’t require additional services or labour to separate materials,  saving out clients time and money.

With over a century of combined experience, S Lester Packing Materials is proud to work with our clients to produce bespoke packaging solutions that meet their needs, whilst also being environmentally responsible.


Smart, Sustainable Design For Industrial Manufacturer

Evergreen Thinking In Partnership with the FSC®

Sustainable Packaging, Doing Our Part

Unique, Design Led Solution For Vehicle Packaging

Sustainable Solution for Automotive Component Manufacturer

Safe, Secure Solution for Sports Car component Manufacturer

Sturdy, Stackable Material Packaging

A Secure, Self-Strengthening Pack for a Hardware Supplier

Jellyfish Balloon Packaging Solution

Mirror Packs for the Bathroom Furniture Industry

Frustration-Free Compliant Packaging Project

Download our brochure

If you’d like to learn more about S Lester Packing Materials please download our free information pack which will provide you with more information as to who we are, who we work with and how we can help your business.