
Our Mission Statement

At S. Lester we have been Big Box Specialists for nearly 40 years! We have achieved this success by always putting our customers first. Everything we do is designed to...

Pallet Boxes: Bulk Shipping Solution

Here at S Lester, we pride ourselves on being the Big Box Specialists. We have invested in a state-of-the-art Jumbo TCY to strengthen our claim. We now have the most...

S Lester’s Guide To Reducing Packaging Costs

The packaging process can be a costly part of your operations if not carried out effectively. There are many factors that contribute to these costs and it is vital for...

Download our brochure

If you’d like to learn more about S Lester Packing Materials please download our free information pack which will provide you with more information as to who we are, who we work with and how we can help your business.