S Lester donate 1,000 boxes to help distribute face shields

S Lester donate 1,000 boxes to help distribute face shields

S Lester donate 1,000 boxes to help The Hart School distribute face shields to key workers

As a key element in the supply chain, we feel very fortunate to remain fully operational during these difficult times.

We have been working with various partners operating in key industries such as medical and food supply but we wanted to do more and give back. We posted on our socials, reaching out to charities who are providing vital supplies, offering our boxes free of charge.

When we received a call from the Hart School to discuss donating boxes, we were delighted to help. We were able to donate 1,000 boxes with a quick turnaround, which helped ‘to quickly pack and dispatch face shields and meet the high demand from our front-line workers,’ commented Rachael Sandham (Vice Principal, Hart School), who expressed her gratitude. We printed the boxes with their logo, again all of this was free of charge.

The Hart School based in Rugeley, Staffordshire in the Midlands has been and will continue to support our local community, and beyond by making and donating face shields for the vulnerable and key workers within the NHS and on the front line across the UK.

They recently reached an incredible target of producing 10,000 face shields. These have been distributed to over 160 different organisations. They have supplied many hospitals such as New Cross, Walsall Manor, Good Hope, Birmingham Children’s, Cannock Hospital, Queens Hospital, Russell Hall, Wolverhampton Royal, Stafford County and Stoke Royal Hospital to name a few.

They have now set a target of manufacturing another 25,000 shields in the next two weeks and we will continue to proudly support them.

Congratulations to Edward, Reiss, and Tom

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S Lester donate 1,000 boxes to help distribute face shields

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